
Every year on December 6th, the day of St. Nicolas is celebrated in memory of the holy bishop of Myra.
The custom has been known since the thirteenth century.
Until the reformation, the ‘children’s bishop’ was the only bearer of gifts to children.
In many regions St. Nicolas is accompanied by two dark figures. In our region they are called ‘Schmutzli’.
St. Nicolas talks to the children, listens to their poems or songs and rewards them with a gift. To us, the St. Nikolaus-Gruppe Unterägeri, it is very important that this custom is kept alive within the families.

Nice that you wish avisit again this year or maybe for the first time.
Please download the registration form and fill it in completely. Then send it to us.
Mail to: info@samichlaus-unteraegeri.ch or
By Post office to :
St. Nicolaus-Gruppe Unterägeri, Urs Baumann, Sprungstrasse 15, 6314 Unterägeri
Some more informations:
Registration ends: Tuesday, November 15th
Visits possible: From Saturday, December 3rd to Thursday, December 8th.
Hier noch einige Infos:
Anmeldeschluss: Sonntag, 15. November 2022
Datum der Besuche: 03. - 08.12.2022
Chlausauszug: Sonntag, 27. November 2022, 17:00h vor Pfarrkirche
Here we have put together some useful suggestions for you to make sure the visit of St. Nicolas will be a wonderful and unforgettable event for your children :
Prepare the children for the visit of St. Nicolas so that they know who is coming
Visit with your children the welcoming event of St. Nicolas on Sunday November 27th in front of the Pfarrkirche Unterägeri at 17:00h
Give the visit a worthy surrounding
Let the children talk with St. Nicolas and hold back your remarks
St. Nicolas loves to hear poems, musical pieces or receive pictures and handicrafts
To make a pleasure does not mean to give big presents. A small bag with nuts and fruits is well enough. These can be bought ready made or you can fill them individually. Most tipicul content: Peanuts, nuts, mandarines, sweets, ginger-bread and figs. Place the bags in your letter box before the visit for Schmutzli to present it to the children later.
We ask you to open the window before the visit so that there is fresh air in the room. It is not necessary to heat up specially.
The visit of St. Nicolas should be a worthy event where we ask ourselves, how we can bring joy to others, just as the real Nicolas had done.
Please do not mix up St. Nicolas and Father Christmas!

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Any more questions or suggestions ? No Problem. Write us an E-Mail or call us.
You can reach us as follows :
Telephone : 041 750 67 05 (mostly evenings)
E-Mail : info@samichlaus-unteraegeri.ch
Our Bank-account : IBAN CH19 8080 8004 4373 0773 3
Account holder : St. Nikolaus-Gruppe Unterägeri, c/o Jean-Pierre Wyss, Obermühle 13, 6340 Baar